These assessments are available in CASAS eTests
. Order CASAS eTests.
Step 1: Screening, Placement, Determining Program Eligibility
Order the test administration manual and appraisal booklets.
CASAS eTests: Locator or Appraisal for placement into pretest
Paper Tests: Appraisal for placement into pretest
Test Administration Manual covers Math GOALS 2 Appraisal, Locator, and progress tests with answer keys, scoring information, test administration directions. Order at least one manual per agency site.
Step 2: Documenting Progress/Accountability
Order progress test (pretest, post-test) booklets.
Step 3: Scoring – Answer Sheets
Select the type of answer sheet:
- General purpose answer sheets (NOT for use with TOPSpro Enterprise)
- TOPSpro answer sheets