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NOTE: CASAS has collaborated with the GED Testing Service® to replicate the 2002 study for the 2014 GED® test. Preliminary results are now available in the Study of CASAS Relationship to GED® 2014 research brief.

What Is the Relationship Between CASAS Assessment and GED 2002?

Question: Is there a relationship between CASAS reading and math tests and the GED Tests? At what CASAS test level do students have the highest probability of passing the GED Tests? What does the research tell us?

Answer: Based on a national study CASAS tests are a strong predictor of scores on the official GED 2002 Tests.

In the study of 6,700 students from five states, 78 percent of those who scored at CASAS Level D in reading passed all GED subsections, while 94 percent of those who scored at Level E passed all subsections. (To pass the GED, students must achieve an average score of 450 or greater across all subsections with no individual score lower than 410.)

This study also shows that students who scored at a CASAS Level D in math have a 90 percent chance of passing the math subsection with a score of 450 or greater, while students who score at a Level E in math have a 97 percent chance of passing the math subsection.

Based on this research, CASAS recommends that students score at the CASAS Level E before attempting the individual GED subsections. In some cases students scoring at CASAS Level D may be sufficiently prepared to take the GED 2002 Tests.

This study found a clear positive relationship between CASAS reading scores and GED readings scores as well as between CASAS math scores and GED math scores.

In addition, the results of the CASAS GED Writing Skills Study show that CASAS Functional Writing Assessment is a strong predictor of scores on the essay section of the GED Writing Test. Read about the relationship between CASAS and GED writing scores.

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