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California WIOA II Performance Report Overview

This report is a compilation of California's responses to the four questions that the United States Department of Education (ED), Division of Adult Education and Literacy (DAEL) poses annually to all states and territories receiving federal supplementary funding from the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), Title II of the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The questions asked each state to describe:

  • successful state leadership projects and activities supported with State Leadership Funds
  • significant findings from its evaluation of the effectiveness of the adult education and literacy activities based on the core indicators of performance
  • ways in which it has supported collaborative activities with local Workforce Investment Boards and One-Stops
  • successful activities and services supported with EL Civics funds
California WIOA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2022-23PDF1.80 MB Download
California WIOA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2021-22PDF1.89 MB Download
California WIOA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2020-21-Narrative SectionPDF1.57 MB Download
California WIOA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2019-20-Narrative SectionPDF1.65 MB Download
California WIOA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2018-19PDF1.91 MB Download
California WIOA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2017 - 18PDF1.72 MB Download
California WIOA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2016 - 17PDF1.28 MB Download
California WIOA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2015 - 16PDF811.59 KB Download
California WIA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2014 - 15PDF1.12 MB Download
California WIA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2013 - 14PDF1.27 MB Download
California WIA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2012 - 13PDF1.70 MB Download
California WIA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2011 - 12PDF20.99 MB Download
California WIA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2010 - 11PDF1.62 MB Download
California WIA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2008 - 09PDF1.62 MB Download
California WIA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2007 - 08PDF1.64 MB Download
California WIA, Title II Annual Performance Report 2009 - 10PDF1.27 MB Download

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