Data Collection and Management: Tools to Build Programs and Communicate Success
Our electronic tools supply powerful accountability information for teachers, administrators, and state and federal decision makers. CASAS eTests includes most of our test series.
TOPSpro Enterprise software automates test scoring and rapidly generates reports linking assessment to instruction. Used together or independently, these tools eliminate tedious, time-consuming tasks by:
- Automatically scoring CASAS tests
- Tracking student and program outcomes and progress
- Generating reports for students, teachers, and program administrators
- Providing individual, class, and agency-wide profiles of skills
- Collecting student demographics
- Managing data for state and federal accountability
This leaves teachers and administrators more time to focus on building their programs by:
- Evaluating test performance to target instruction better
- Encouraging students by demonstrating their progress and learning gains
- Establishing demographic data to define program needs
- Demonstrating competency achievement
- Building test and program history
- Managing data and classes
- Complying with federal and state accountability requirements