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Computerized Testing

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Do you need cost-effective assessment options? CASAS eTests brings together two types of computer-delivered assessment:

  • Online tests are electronic versions of standard CASAS test forms.
  • Computer-adaptive tests (CATs) draw from our extensive item bank to customize tests to the unique ability of each examinee.

Programs (including WIOA Title I and Title II-funded programs) confidently use CASAS eTests for appraisal and progress testing because the standard CASAS test forms available (CBT) are approved by the U.S. Departments of Education and Labor.



CASAS-eTests-user-SI 2017Advantages and Benefits

  • Greater accuracy and reduced test time
  • Basic reports include group, student, and learning gains
  • Export capability to common database applications
  • Option to combine locator and pretest into one test event
  • Immediate access to test results; no hand scoring or scanning
  • Automatic selection of next appropriate test based on prior test score
  • Automatically scored and recorded by TOPSpro Enterprise
  • These CASAS tests are available in CASAS eTests
  • Sample Test Items (CASAS eTests Sampler)

Visit our webpage on Remote Testing

In the past year, our center converted to computer-based CASAS assessments.  We serve 1200+ students a year, many of whom are non-English-speaking and many are older adults.  When they initially sit down at the computer, they are terrified.  However, a staff member personally helps them learn to maneuver the mouse until they are comfortable enough to complete the assessment.  I have seen adults finish the assessment elated and proud to finally be using a computer - and they haven’t even started classes yet! ~ Sandy Jensen, Manager Hawkeye Community College Metro Center, Adult and Family Literacy Programs

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