The NEDP has been cited by the U.S. Department of Education
The NEDP has been cited by the U.S. Department of Education funded “Digital Resilience in the American Workforce: Findings from a National Landscape Scan on Adult Digital Literacy Instruction” (DRAW) project as an innovative program addressing digital literacy skills.
The DRAW goal is to better prepare adult education practitioners who support learners that struggle to fully engage in tasks that demand the use of digital technologies. This struggle is because of the barriers learners face when accessing, developing skills, and using digital technologies. NEDP is highlighted under the high school program section of Integrating Digital literacy into Other Skills Instruction (p. 20) and again in the discussion in Chapter 5: Assessment for Foundational Digital Skills (p.28).
The report, released August 2022, answers the question “What training resources and approaches are most relevant for educators seeking to increase digital literacy and digital resilience for an adult learner population?” Their findings will inform the design of forthcoming professional development for adult educators.
To view the report Digital Resilience in the American Workforce: Findings from a National Landscape Scan on Adult Digital Literacy Instruction - Jobs for the Future (JFF)
The NEDP Receives Recognition from OCTAE’s Advancing Innovation in Adult Education Project

CASAS is pleased to announce that the NEDP has been featured by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) as an innovator in the Advancing Innovation in Adult Education project. The OCTAE five-year project is to identify and highlight innovative practices in adult education that lead to improved outcomes. We are pleased to announce that the NEDP was featured as an innovative practice in conjunction with the Mercy Learning Center’s (Bridgeport, Connecticut) implementation of the program in a Showcase Webinar held September 22, 2020. Read more about the Gallery of Practices.
The Mercy Learning Center, working with Sue Pierson, Connecticut State Director of Adult Education, Education Consultant, submitted an application. The NEDP comes under the category of a “substantially enhanced” innovative practice.
View the Showcase Webinar here. The NEDP presentation at Mercy Learning Center, begins at 28:07.