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ABE, ASE, and HSE Success Stories

Agencies and programs across the country are using CASAS to establish comprehensive performance accountability systems, address core indicators of performance, integrate literacy and occupational skill instruction, and evaluate the effectiveness of adult education and literacy programs.

Also see the National External Diploma Program (NEDP) Success Stories. The NEDP is a high school diploma program for adults and youth who acquire their academic skills through life and work experiences and can demonstrate them in an applied performance process

Family Literacy program in Micronesia

CASAS supports Family Literacy program in Micronesia.

On Saturday, August 27, 2016, CNMI Motheread/Fatheread Family Literacy Program conducted a Parent Trainer’s and Story Exploring Instructor’s Meeting at the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library on Saipan. Trainers and Instructors actively participated in an Adult Class utilizing the Eagle Book Series written by Georgia Perez, which include: Through the Eyes of the Eagle, Knees Lifted High, Plate Full of Color, and Tricky Treats. The purpose of the Eagle Books is to help children understand several important messages about diabetes and being healthy.

Please read the entire article here:


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