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ABE, ASE, and HSE Success Stories

Agencies and programs across the country are using CASAS to establish comprehensive performance accountability systems, address core indicators of performance, integrate literacy and occupational skill instruction, and evaluate the effectiveness of adult education and literacy programs.

Also see the National External Diploma Program (NEDP) Success Stories. The NEDP is a high school diploma program for adults and youth who acquire their academic skills through life and work experiences and can demonstrate them in an applied performance process

  • Moving on Up Transitions Program

    The "Moving on Up" Transition Program informs students about different personal and professional options available to them after completing ESL, ABE and/or ASE courses. (Bakersfield Adult School)

  • Managing Managed Enrollment at Burbank Adult School

    This program has a comprehensive managed enrollment program, which includes structured enrollment and registration, pre-set class schedules, orientation and goal-setting for all entering students, improvements for all multi-level classes, and a structured assessment system. (Burbank Adult School)

  • Managing ABE & ASE Testing Through Accurate Reporting

    This system for student registration and assessment has led to a systematic increase in paired test scores and proper student placement. (Los Angeles USD: Abram Friedman Occupation Center)

  • Family Literacy program in Micronesia

    CASAS supports Family Literacy program in Micronesia.

  • Digital Literacy

    Soledad Adult School makes a yearly calendar of CASAS testing and makes sure that every student knows when CASAS testing will take place.

  • Washington State I-BEST

    How I-BEST Works: Findings from a Field Study of Washington State’s Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training Program.

  • Transitions to Secondary Education

    Poway Adult School’s Transitions Class prepares ESL students for transition into ABE and ASE courses through intensive math, reading and writing instruction.

  • Mary's Center Finds Success with CASAS

    "One of the greatest benefits of using CASAS with students is being able to show them that they are progressing and learning. Often students don't realize how much they have learned. Showing them their results with CASAS makes them proud of their accomplishments, increases their self-esteem, and ultimately increases student retention."

  • Distance Learning Off-site Video Libraries

    This Distance Learning program is able to serve adult students that would not otherwise be able to access adult education opportunities. The program is a way for students with varying schedules and commitments to be able to get the counseling, resources, and instruction necessary to succeed academically. (San Juan USD Adult Education)

  • EAGER at Everett Community College

    “We were amazed every day at how easy and efficient it is to use CASAS eTests. It has really helped us process all the people we had to test. We test three days per week ... and all my instructors say... ‘Thank goodness for computerized CASAS!’"

  • STARS (Students Transitioning and Registering Services)

    The STARS Program is a comprehensive program to assist students transitioning into postsecondary education. (Rancho Santiago Community College District: Orange Education Center)

  • Vocational Business Skills Certificates

    This program provides a comprehensive counseling and guidance program specifically catered to students in vocational certification programs. Students receive individualized attention, and are given the guidance necessary to succeed in the vocational program and in their future careers. (Rancho Santiago Community College District: Santa Ana College of Continuing Education)

  • Davis School District in Utah

    Switching to CASAS helped Davis School District in Utah increase learning gains, target instruction, and save money.

  • Unique Partnership Emerges to Provide Youth Services in Los Angeles

    The City of Los Angeles chose to standardize all assessments using CASAS, which allowed for a non-biased assessment of student gains.

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