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Promising Practices: Transitions

Moving on Up Transitions Program

Promising Practice

The "Moving on Up" Transition Program is designed to inform students about different personal and professional options available to them after completing ESL, ABE and/or ASE courses. The program was started in 2005 in order to address students’ need for information about postsecondary education and career and technical education opportunities. Over the years it has expanded to become more comprehensive and valuable for students.

Agency Awarded: Bakersfield Adult School, 2009

Summary Description of Project:

Bakersfield’s transition program includes the following activities:

  • Pre-placement assessment system for all students, as well as an Academic Counselor to assist in goal-setting and orientation.
  • Bakersfield’s Career Counselor partners with community members to provide activities such as a speaker’s bureau, career day, community resource fair and job shadowing.
  • Field trips to the local community college to tour the campus and learn about enrollment and financial aid.
  • A Level 6 ESL Transition Class to help ESL students learn valuable skills to help them in future classes or programs.
  • Instructors and students visit classes and present mini lessons to inform students about different transition options. Ex. Nursing Assistant students teach a mini lesson to ESL classes on hand-washing techniques and discuss different Career Technical Education (CTE) offerings through the Adult School.
  • CTE programs host advisory councils throughout the year to discuss with instructors what the industry is looking for from employees.

Evaluation Process/Results:

Bakersfield Adult School has had success with their transitional programs, as measured by student performance, persistence rates and goal attainment after transition. They have had success in tracking students after they leave BAS through follow-up surveys, and monitor the enrollment of students in other job training or postsecondary education programs. They report the following improvements in 2007-08 (since implementation of the transition program):

  • 23% increase in GED class enrollment and persistence
  • 77% increase in the number of students graduating with a high school diploma
  • 30% increase in the number of students enrolling in community college
  • 19% increase in the number of students completing a level and advancing one or more levels
  • 10% increase in enrollment in health career courses
  • 28% increase in enrollment for both Business and Computer Skills courses
  • 27% increase in the number of students in CTE courses reporting that they obtained or retained a job

Bakersfield Adult School’s comprehensive transitions program has proven to be an effective way to inform students about professional and career options.

For additional information contact:

Gail Bentley
Telephone: 661.835.1855

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