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National Consortium

A Forum of Educators and Workforce Specialists

The CASAS National Consortium is a field-based advisory group comprising state leaders in adult education and workforce development, experts in employment and training, and representatives from business and industry.

Today there are more than one hundred consortium members working to identify the priority assessment and research needs of the groups they represent. Members hail from states throughout the nation, the District of Columbia, and the Pacific Rim.

The Consortium promotes the role of quality, learner-centered assessment by addressing and developing assessment policy, products, and standards, and by identifying and disseminating exemplary practices. It provides a forum for leadership and advocacy for quality lifelong learning for family, work, and community.

The Consortium provides members with opportunities to discuss innovations, trends and policies related to assessment, curriculum and data management, and program evaluation. The National Consortium facilitates communication and networking among programs and states that are implementing CASAS in a variety of programs, including ABE, ESL, ASE, employment training, workplace literacy, WIOA, welfare reform, special needs, high school programs, and corrections.

The Consortium work continues throughout the year, and the at-large group meets each June during the CASAS National Summer Institute.

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