TOPSpro Answer Sheets 
There are eight answer sheets for use with TOPSpro software. These answer sheets provide agencies with options for gathering demographic, testing, program, and accountability information. The answer sheets also simplify the process of capturing new data required by many federal reporting requirements.
Entry/Update Record (purple/green)
TOPSpro Enterprise Entry-Update Record
Collects valuable accountability data from the student. The Entry Record collects student demographics, instructional program and level data, as well as reason for enrollment. The Entry Record serves as the basis to measure student progress. The Update Record collects student progress and results after a period of instructional intervention. When data from these two sides are compared and analyzed, valuable insight can be gathered from the change in the student's status.
Student Test Record (brown)
TOPSpro Enterprise Test Record
Used to administer any CASAS test and/or record the test scores of non-CASAS tests. When used with CASAS tests, the record collects item responses, form number, date, instructional program, and hours of instruction. The Test Record permits two CASAS tests to be administered, one on each side, and eight non-CASAS test scores to be recorded, four on each side.
Appraisal Test Record (green/purple or green/blue)
TOPSpro Enterprise “scannable” answer sheets for Appraisal testing:
- The green/purple answer — Form 80 Appraisal on one side and the ECS Form 130 Appraisal on the other.
- The green/blue answer sheet — Form 20 Appraisal on one side and any Appraisal on the other, except the Form 900R Reading GOALS Appraisal. (Use the brown Student Test Record with the Form 900R Appraisal.)
Supplemental Entry/Update-Workforce (gray/red)
Supplements the Entry/Update Record by collecting additional information vital to workforce and employment-related programs. Information collected includes pre-employment and work maturity skills achieved, supported services needs assessment, wages, and income.
Entry/Test Record (blue/brown)
Provides the Entry Record on one side and Test Record on the other. Used for pretesting.
Update/Test Record (brown/green)
Provides the Update Record on one side and the Test Record on the other. Used for post-testing.
Consumer Profile Record (blue/green)
Appropriate for those implementing POWER assessment and TOPSpro at their agency; provides the Entry and demographic record on one side and POWER observation information on the other.
Student Name/Address Record (red)
Optional form used to collect student name and telephone numbers on one side and address information on the other side. Students bubble in the information so that it can be scanned into TOPSpro rather than manually entered. Please note that address and telephone information are optional in TOPSpro.
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