TOPSpro Enterprise Sample Reports
TOPSpro Enterprise (TE) is a data management software application that tracks student progress, including learner assessment scores and learner performance on target competencies. Teachers and administrators find the classroom reports TE generates are very helpful in planning their instructional approaches.
By Student
The Student Content Standard Performance report shows results from a student’s performance on a given test form. This report indicates the percentage of correct responses to items corresponding with each listed basic skills content standard in which the student demonstrated proficiency. Teachers can then determine the content standards areas in which the student performed well overall.
By Class
The Content Standard Performance Summary is a class report that identifies the underlying basic skills content standards assessed on a test form. The report helps teachers target appropriate instruction based on these skills. The report shows the number of test items covered on the test for each content standard. The report aggregates the students in the class who completed each test form and displays the percentage of students who answered the items related to each content standard correctly. The teacher can then determine the basic skills content standards in which students performed well and focus on content standards needed most by the entire class.
By Student
The Student Competency Performance report shows how a student responded with respect to the competencies measured on a test form. This is a meaningful report to give to individual students because the competencies put learning in a functional life skills context.
By Class
The Competency Performance Summary helps teachers focus their instruction on the competencies most needed by the entire class. This report gives a summary of how a class performed on a given test. With this report, teachers are able to see the percentage of students who answered each item or each competency correctly. Teachers use this report as a lesson planning tool to focus on the needs of the entire class.
Individual Skills Profile Reports
By Student
The Individual Skills Profile shows student performance in a number of areas. It shows the tests that were taken, form numbers, scale scores, NRS levels, and grade level equivalents (optional). The report displays the CASAS Competency Areas on the left side. On the right side, the report shows content standards results. The sample report below in red shows the CCR standards. The sample report below in blue shows the CASAS Standards. The report also shows student performance on the CASAS Task Areas. A High School Equivalency (HSE) Predictor will display automatically if the student achieved an appropriate score to indicate the likelihood of passing an HSE test.
By Class
The Individual Skills Profile Summary shows how a class performed with their most recent reading and math tests on the same form level. The summary displays the percentages of Competency and Content Standard areas that students answered correctly. Teachers can use this report to determine if all students have mastered specific areas and which still need attention. Results can be displayed by CCR Standards or by CASAS Content Standards.
Score Reports
Personal Score Report
The Personal Score Report (PSR) gives a summary of the student's results on a test taken with eTests. The report displays on the eTests testing station screen after ending each test to give students immediate feedback. Results may be shared and discussed with each student. The PSR can also be reproduced from TOPSpro Enterprise.
Next Assigned Test
The Next Assigned Test report is designed to take the legwork out of deciding which test to administer next for those testing with paper test booklets. The NAT is automatically presented in CASAS eTests next time the student tests. Paper test users can generate the report in TE to determine the next test.
Test History
The Student Test Summary by class report lists every student in a class that has taken a test and displays the test history for each student.
The Test Score Overview report by class brings together the CASAS Scale Score, National Reporting System (NRS) Educational Functioning Level (EFL), and Grade Level Equivalent (GLE) for all students on tests in a particular series into a single report. Showing GLE is an optional setting.
The Test Score Overview Summary is designed to show the National Reporting System (NRS) Educational Functioning Level (EFL of an entire class in five skill areas. Showing the Grade Level Equivalent (GLE) is optional.
Learning Gains
Learning Gains reports list student test scores and display gains between tests. Teachers can note progress by student and by class.