California WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Program Implementation Survey
Each year the California Department of Education (CDE) is required to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of WIOA, Title II: AEFLA programs through the California WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Program Implementation Survey. The Survey collects information regarding program management, transitions, budget issues, collaborations, professional development, distance learning, and English Literacy & Civics Section 231 and 243 programs.
Survey Portal will open March 1, 2025.
Agencies can use the PY 2024-25 Survey documents below to draft responses for Survey Portal.
Please note:
- All WIOA, Title II: AEFLA agencies are required to complete the California WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Program Implementation Survey online. Agencies are encouraged to use the fillable word document below to draft responses.
- Multiple staff members from each agency can log in and contribute to the agency’s survey.
- Each agency within a Coalition should submit a separate survey.
- Adult schools with Section 225 programs are not required to submit a separate survey, but responses from the 225 program should be included in the agency’s survey.
- Using Google Chrome, click the link above to enter the Survey portal.
a) If you are having issues, close your browser windows, and clear any cookies or cache before returning to the survey in Google Chrome.
- Select an agency for which you are filling out the survey. You may have multiple choices. we suggest using the Adult School option. If multiple members are contributing, they will need to select the same agency name.
- Review the Contact Information Page. Click on Change Contact Information in the bottom toolbar to update incorrect contact information.
- Enter responses to each survey question. You can use the toolbar to navigate to the Next, Previous, First, or Last sections.
- To save and continue later:
a. Click Last on the bottom toolbar.
b. Select Save your progress and return later.
- To submit the survey:
a) Confirm and review all survey questions. You cannot return to the survey after submitting it.
b) Next, go to the last page of the survey and select Submit your response as final. You are not in compliance until you select Submit your response as final.
- Save a copy of the summary page for your future records. This can be done through your browser’s print options. CASAS does not keep PDF copies of responses year to year.
- Your agency’s Primary Contact will receive an email confirmation receipt once the survey has been submitted as final.
For technical assistance, email For questions regarding the survey or your agency's submission, contact