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ESL and ELL Success Stories

Agencies and programs across the country are using CASAS to establish comprehensive performance accountability systems, address core indicators of performance, integrate literacy and occupational skill instruction, and evaluate the effectiveness of ESL/ELL, EL Civics, and Citizenship programs.

Le-Jao Center Bridges to Success Cohort Program

Coast Community College District has created a successful and comprehensive program designed to help ESL students to seamlessly transition to community college. The Bridges to Success Cohort Program provides the necessary mentoring, counseling, and, most importantly, peer-to-peer support necessary for successful transitions. 

Agency Awarded: Coast Community College District, 2010

Summary Description of Project

The Bridges to Success Cohort Program at Coast CCD’s Le-Jao Center provides support and mentoring to 15 ESL students, and helps them to transition to credit community college courses or vocational certificate programs. Students from the ESL program apply, and selected students then enroll in a minimum of 12 units at Coastline Community College. Each student is given a Bridge Program mentor who assists with enrollment and provides support as they take courses at Coastline CCD, and works with the ESL Bridge program counselor. This program was started after the agency found that most ESL students did not continue to college credit programs at Coastline Community College. The program realized that students would be more successful if they progressed with a cohort of their peers, and were able to receive counseling, support services and mentoring as they transitioned to college or vocational education courses. Since this program started, there has been a waiting list of at least 10 students who would like to participate, and those who participated indicated that they benefit greatly from the support of their Bridge Program mentors and peers.

Evaluation Process/Results

The Le-Jao Center continues to work with students after they leave adult education classes, making it possible to track their success in credit-bearing courses. Of the 15 students who participated in the Bridges to Success program in 2008, 11 (70%) enrolled in at least one credit course in the summer, and 12 (80%) enrolled in at least one credit course in the Fall of 2008. Coast CCD was above the state performance average in almost all of the ESL levels in 2008-09, and their persistence level in was 97.5%.

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