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EL Civics COAAPs Development

Civic Participation and IELCE FAQs 7-2-24PDF360.16 KB Download
COAAP Selection Process 2024-25 6-27-24PDF144.34 KB Download
Pre-Approved Civic Objective List 2024-2025 6-28-24PDF628.28 KB Download
Revisions to COAAPS 2024-2025 6-25-24PDF226.93 KB Download
EL Civics Civic Objectives 231 and 243 Funding Immigrant Integration Goal AreasPDF197.69 KB Download
COAAP Information 6-27-24PDF212.10 KB Download
School Community Needs Assessment Requirement for WIOA Title II, AEFLA EL Civics Funded AgenciesPDF112.12 KB Download
How to download COAAPs into TEPDF842.01 KB Download
NRS Appendix B EFL ESL Descriptors ExtractPDF57.86 KB Download

EL Civics Webinars and Slides

Webinars Slides
How to Complete the IELCE Report 2023-24.
Passcode: c@vLCd%9
How to Complete the IELCE Report and Plan 2023-24

California EL Civics Basics Civic Participation, IELCE and CAEP 2023-24 California EL Civics Basics Civic Participation IELCE and CAEP 2023-24
California EL Civics: Understanding and Implementing COAAPS
EL Civics Basics Understanding Implementing and Revising COAAPs 2021-22
The Whys and Hows of EL Civics Needs Assessment Passcode: sTS@S6Wy The Whys and Hows of EL Civics Needs Assessment 
Planning and Implementing an Effective IELCE/IET Program Planning and Implementing an Effective IELCE/IET Program

Action Plan for a New IELCE/IET Program 
Developing a Single Set of Learning Objectives Developing a Single Set of Learning Objectives 
EL Civics COAAP Development Webinar 11-7-18 EL Civics COAAP Development Webinar 2018-19
Designing a Single Set of Learning Objectives   
Helping ELLs move into Careers
Helping ELLs move into Careers 
Models for Preparing English Learners for the Workplace, Part 1 Models for Preparing English Learners for the Workplace Part 1
Models for Preparing English Learners for the Workplace, Part 2 Models for Preparing English Learners for the Workplace Part 2
California EL Civics Exchange: Accessible Instructional Materials for English Learners California EL Civics Exchange Accessible Instructional Materials for English Learners
California IELCE: How What we Learned can Help English Learners in Other Regions California IELCE How What We Learned Can Help English Learners in Other Regions

Integrated EL Civics Documents

IELCE 243 Orientation for New Administrators October 2023PDF435.26 KB Download
2017-18 Integrated EL Civics Program Development ToolkitPDF537.66 KB Download

Implementation of COAAPs for CAEP Agencies

Successful Implementation of COAAPs for CAEP Agencies 4-13-23PDF120.87 KB Download
Increasing CAEP I-3 Outcomes to Demonstrate Program Effectiveness using COAAPs 4-13-23PDF123.64 KB Download


Digital Resources

Integrating Digital Literacy Into English Language Instruction: Companion Learning Resource

KQED Teach has a platform to help educators integrate digital media into their instruction.

Digital Literacy GuidelinesPDF90.18 KB Download
Digital Resources for EL Civics Assessments 2024PDF184.99 KB Download
Digital Resources for EL Civics Instruction 2024PDF180.61 KB Download
How to create fillable form 2024PDF586.73 KB Download
Getting a Gmail accountPDF396.10 KB Download
Make Strong PasswordsPDF182.01 KB Download

Needs Assessment

EL Civics School Community Student Needs Assessment Summary FormPDF103.67 KB Download
School Community Needs Assessment Requirement for WIOA Title II, AEFLA EL Civics Funded AgenciesPDF112.12 KB Download
Needs Assessment OverviewPDF209.36 KB Download
Needs Assessment Example for EL Civics Students at BL LevelPDF1.29 MB Download


Integrated Education and Training Design Toolkit

Integrated Education and Training in Corrections: A Companion Guide to the IET Design Toolkit

Social Justice Resources

EL Civics: Making a Difference in the Community Awards

Oral Rubric Samples for Civic Participation Additional Assessments get adobe reader

Writing Rubric Samples for Civic Participation Additional Assessments get adobe reader

Using Portfolio Assessment in EL Civics Classes in California get adobe reader
This research brief describes portfolio assessment and explains why it may be an appropriate assessment selection for California EL Civics classes. Portfolio assessment is an ongoing process involving learners and their instructors in selecting samples of student work for inclusion in a collection, the main purpose of which is to show the progress of learners. Perhaps the greatest overall benefit of using portfolio assessment in EL Civics projects is that the learners are taught by example to become independent thinkers, and their ability to take control of their own learning is facilitated.

Implementing Performance Based Assessment get adobe reader

California ESL Model Standards (1992) and Key
The ESL Model Standards document, originally published by the California Department of Education, reflects thinking about developmental stages in second-language acquisition and the nature of communicative competence. The goals of the document are to enrich curriculum and validate the success of existing programs.

College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education:

English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education:

Immigrant Integration Framework:

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