California AEBG
Maryland — Charles County Adult Education Program Celebrates its 37th Graduation.
Branka Marceta from OTAN speaks at the 2016 CASAS Summer Institute Poster Session about two programs OTAN has for assisting adult education providers.
Technology in the classroom.
San Diego Workforce Partnership helps to identify the industries and jobs that are most in demand.
Revolution English augments classroom work to help students learn English.
CASAS supports Family Literacy program in Micronesia.
Bear Creek Corp. Joins Rogue Comm. College to Increase Employee Skills
CASAS is proud to play a critical role in successful VESL programs across the country.
Poway Adult School describes how they promote the use of data across all levels of their organization to better inform their educators.
The NEDP at a Program for Deaf Adults.
Persistence Proves Productive at Hartford Adult Education (newspaper article)
Academy of Hope sends NEDP graduate to college.
CASAS, in cooperation with the GED Testing Service®, is conducting a study to provide guidance to adult education programs and instructional staff regarding student readiness to take the 2014 GED® test. The study examines the relationship of CASAS reading and math scores to the GED Ready® practice test results in Reasoning through Language Arts (RLA) and Mathematical Reasoning.
Soledad Adult School makes a yearly calendar of CASAS testing and makes sure that every student knows when CASAS testing will take place.
In January 2016, 1,094 prior NEDP graduates who had completed theprogram between 6 and 36 months ago received an invitation to completea follow-up survey. The following findings are summarized from feedback provided by the first group of survey respondents.
In Memoriam of Jim Harrison. It is with great sadness that we share with you that our dear friend and co-worker Jim Harrison passed away on Monday, February 22, 2016.
NEDP graduates inspirational grandfather.
CASAS is pleased to announce that a Math test has been added to the Form 80 Appraisal.
NEDP opens new doors to success (newspaper article)