Shauntese, an NEDP graduate from Academy of Hope Adult Public Charter School in Washington, D.C., persevered over many life trials to receive her high school diploma and change the course of her life.
Order Reading GOALS test booklets.
National External Diploma Program graduate, Michael, from the Academy of Hope Adult Public Charter School in Washington, D.C., shares his journey of commitment.
NEDP graduate Miran from Fairfax County Public Schools shares her story about receiving her diploma through the NEDP.
SAN DIEGO, February 7, 2018 – CASAS announces that its new Reading GOALS test series has received a full seven-year approval from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education (OCTAE), for use in the federal National Reporting System (NRS) at all levels of Adult Basic Education and Adult Secondary Education. This seven-year approval period began February 5, 2018, and continues through February 5, 2025.
Commencement speaker at Western Suffolk BOCES, New York shares her life journey.
Speech given by NEDP graduate and guest speaker at the ceremony of the College of Southern Maryland on October 28, 2017.
NEDP graduate Valerie talks about her experience completing the NEDP at the Academy of Hope Adult Public Charter School.
NEDP Graduate Reginald talks about his experience completing the NEDP at the Academy of Hope Adult Public Charter School.
See how adult education improves the lives of adult learners across the country. Educate and Elevate campaign.
Using Distance Learning to Strengthen Access to Rural Healthcare Career Pathway Programs.
Virginia – Meet Ilena who overcame the odds to earn her high school diploma and is “overwhelmed at the opportunities.”
As the country looks ahead to the 21st century, the need for workplace skills and competencies
is vital. Recognizing a person’s ability to do a job, based on the skills and abilities they have
mastered over a lifetime of work and experience, is critical. NEDP is the only competency-based
high school diploma program in the United States.
Virginia – An NEDP client and her assessor from the Thomas Jefferson Adult and Career Education Center had a hands on civic lesson as she shared her adult learning story with the Virginia General Assembly.
Washington, D.C. – Academy of Hope student wins Outstanding Learner award at the NEDPC Conference. Read the poignant story of her journey from Sierra Leone.
Connecticut – Samantha graduated in June 2016 with the 1199 Training Fund in Hartford, CT. She is continuing her education to become a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and then hopes to become a Registered Nurse. Congratulations Samantha!
New York — LaGuardia Community College’s Program for Deaf Adults recently celebrated the graduation of their first deaf clients.
Serving English Language Learner (ELL) Populations Using Best Practices and Model Partnerships
District of Columbia residents who earned a diploma from the National External Diploma Program or a GED certificate were honored at a special commencement ceremony at Howard University in December 2016.
CASAS recently hosted an education delegation from the nation of Nepal. Delegation members are visiting the United States under the auspices of the U.S. Department of State.