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San Diego Workforce Partnership

San Diego Workforce Partnership at the Summer Institute 2016

Tina Ngo Bartel from the San Diego Workforce Partnership speaks at the 2016 CASAS Summer Institute Poster Session about how the organization helps to identify the industries and jobs that are most in demand. Visit:

Publishe: 10/06/2017.

Business and Industry

The Benefits: Reduce costs and increase efficiency

Using CASAS can help reduce “wrong hires” and evaluate current employees to ensure their skills match their job. 

With the best employees, you save wasteful turnover costs and increase retention among your best workers – the ones you really need to keep.

When job candidates and current employees have solid skills in reading, math, writing, and other areas, they add to your success.

How do you know if candidates and employees have the level of skills you need?
CASAS assessments help you find workers with the right skills.

  • Identify skill gaps
  • Document specific and effective workplace behaviors and job-related skills
  • Focus on instructional recommendations and document progress 

Use these resources to help you find the best workers.

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