Are your students prepared for the citizenship process and the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) interview? These CASAS assessments help you answer that question.
The Citizenship Interview Test (CIT) is a one-on-one oral test that simulates the English-language interview with a USCIS examiner. Students can gain self-confidence in their speaking and listening abilities.
The Reading for Citizenship test series motivates beginning readers to improve their citizenship-focused reading abilities. Your students need to go into their interview ready to prove they can read basic English.
The Government and History for Citizenship tests reveal how much students know about how the USA functions. Citizenship applicants must demonstrate a solid knowledge of US "civics" to complete the citizenship process.
Delivery Formats
Citizenship Interview Test — Oral Interview Booklet (for test administrator)
Reading for Citizenship — CASAS eTests or test booklets
Government and History for Citizenship — CASAS eTests or audio CD (with questions) and test booklets (with answer choices)
Scoring Options
CASAS eTests
TOPSpro Software
Manual Scoring (answer keys are included in Test Administration Manuals)
Advantages and Benefits
- Tests are in line with the USCIS citizenship interview process and requirements for applicants to "be able to read, write, and speak English and have knowledge and an understanding of US history and government (civics)."
- All tests easy to administer, score, and interpret
- Test questions engage students in subject matter
- Results guide curriculum development and lesson planning
Test Specifics
Citizenship Interview Test (CIT)
This is a one-on-one oral interview test for high beginning to advanced English language students. Topics include personal identification and information from the N-400 Application for Naturalization.
- Form 973 and Form 974 — 15 to 20 minutes each
Reading for Citizenship
These tests assess reading comprehension for low beginning English language students.
- Forms 951 and 952 at Level A (up to one hour for each test)
- Forms 951X and 952X are "bridge" tests with content between Level A and Level B (up to one hour for each test)
- A Locator or Appraisal score at Level A places students into pretest Form 951 or 951X. Students with a Locator or Appraisal score at Level B, C, or D, should pretest in the Life and Work Reading series.
- After June 30, 2024, agencies reporting to NRS can use the Reading STEPS series instead Life and Work Reading.
Government and History for Citizenship
This is a test of US civics for high beginning to advanced English language students. Students listen to the questions and choose their response though CASAS e-Tests or on the paper test form.
- Forms 965 and 966 — 25 minutes each
Use the QuickSearch Online database to determine instructional resources by assessment series, skill area, program type, CASAS competency, publication title, and by publisher.
Access the Civics and Citizenship Toolkit on the USCIS website “to help your organization begin or enhance a collection or program for immigrants" (
Citizenship Interview Test (CIT)
CASAS offers self-paced online CIT administration certification. If you have not yet completed the certification process, you'll need to do so prior to ordering the Citizenship Interview Test. To register for the online course, submit an order for your training.
Reading for Citizenship
CASAS offers self-paced online CASAS Implementation Training at no cost. If you have not yet completed training, you'll need to do so prior to ordering the Reading for Citizenship series.
Government and History for Citizenship
No special training is necessary to order and administer the paper-based test. CASAS eTests proctor certification is required to administer the test online.
Order the Citizenship Interview Test (CIT) training and materials now.
Order the Reading for Citizenship materials now.
Order the Government and History for Citizenship materials now.