Provide every opportunity and advantage to your special needs students with assessments expertly designed to meet specific testing requirements.
- The POWER (Providing Options for the Workplace, Education, and Rehabilitation) series is targeted toward adults with intellectual disabilities who do not perform well on paper tests. POWER is powerful — and all components have been validated for those with intellectual disabilities enrolled in adult education, community colleges, supported employment, developmental services, and transition programs.
- The Adult Life Skills series allows instructors to monitor the learning progress of those with intellectual disabilities and other beginning literacy needs. The series allows test-takers to respond in their preferred mode of communication, thus enriching the testing experience.
- The Braille Reading Assessment brings literacy skills to persons with blindness or visual impairments. Learning braille increases choices. Assessing braille informs braille instruction.
Delivery Formats
POWER — Test Booklets
Adult Life Skills — Test Booklets, and CASAS eTests
Braille Reading Assessment — Test Booklets
Scoring Options
TOPSpro Software
Manual Scoring (answer keys are included in test administration manuals)
Advantages and Benefits
- Provide universal access to learning with special needs test series
- Eliminate testing time and assess during instruction with POWER series
- Engage students in testing with true-to-life color photographs in Adult Life Skills series
- Increase employment opportunities for adults with visual impairment with Braille Reading Assessment
Test Specifics
Special needs assessments correlate to CASAS Competencies in nine content areas.
POWER performance-based assessments are available at levels 2A to 4A, pre-beginning to beginning literacy. The series includes assessments, observation guides, and curriculum modules.
Adult Life Skills Assessment
This series assesses progress in reading comprehension at four levels, 2A to 5A, pre-beginning to beginning literacy. Tests are administered one-on-one. The series uses a customized appraisal test to determine the appropriate pretest for each individual.
Braille Reading Assessment
Use Form 837 to test reading abilities in braille format at CASAS Levels A/B (beginning literacy and beginning basic skills). Test items focus on everyday life and workplace reading skills. The Braille Reading Assessment uses Grade 2 braille (contractions, not alphabet).
QuickSearch Online locates instructional resources by test series, skill area, program type, CASAS competency, publication title, and by publisher.
Find diverse strategies and materials for learners with special challenges! Use the no-cost online Adult Low-Level Literacy Curriculum with ten theme-based modules targeting non-readers and low-level readers. Modules offer complete lesson plans at four levels to reduce planning time and increase effectiveness.
Serve learners with a wide range of accommodation materials and guidelines.
CASAS offers self-paced online CASAS Implementation Training at no cost. If you have not completed training, you'll need to do so prior to ordering the POWER assessment.
Order Special Needs Assessments.